Tag Archives: USAF marathon

USAF 1/2 Marathon….2014

USAF 1/2 Marathon….2014

I do love this race, it’s a fun one.  It’s not too difficult…..it’s also the PR for my full marathon distance, so it does hold a special place in my heart.  I like that it’s a military run.  I get a chance to honor my grandfather every time I run one.  And it’s a local race…..I run (ha ha) into a lot of friends on the course….that’s always fun!  Here’s the sunrise just before the gun goes off.

Pre-Race Sunrise

This year, I have intentionally been pushing myself.  Any excuses that I would of had in the past have been cleared away.  I have just been through the worst (well maybe the 2nd worst) year of my life.  I am far stronger than I ever thought I was capable of being.  And there is no reason to allow myself to be easy on my self.  I am the only one who knows exactly how hard & how far I can go.  I plan on finding out in the next few years.  I have a couple of running goals I plan on achieving in the near future.  I’ll be damned if I get in my own way!

Pre-Race Selfie

This race was my 17th half marathon.  I did not feel so awesome that morning.  Woke up with a migraine.  Wouldn’t be the first time that has happened, but I was just thankful that I was not throwing up…that has happened in the past!  Took some anti-migraine meds & prayed that I would finish the race.  Oh dear GOD…left me finish the race!

Got to the start, made it all the way to mile 7 before I started to feel kind of gross again, more than just pushing through 7 miles as fast as you can.  I stopped at the 1st Aide station for some advil & away I went.  I do not remember this race course being as hilly as it was this year, so they must have changed it again.  Either way, it’s a beautiful one!  I felt pretty good all the way to the end.  Which is a complete mind game…..you see the finish line for the last mile & half.  And you think you’re a lot closer than you are, but you just..keep…walking….ha ha ha!

photo 3

I did tear up a bit at mile 12 (you hear the finish line and about a quarter mile later, you see it, finally).  Not because I didn’t think I could, but because I knew I was going to make it.  Sometimes I forget how far I have come.  And I do remember my very first race, sometimes like it was yesterday.  And there have been many races where I wasn’t sure I was going to finish.  This being one of them; who gets up with a migraine & runs a marathon or a half?  Um, this girl…and it’s happened twice now.  I am extremely intrinsically motivated….and something about knowing I was a mile or less away from my 24th long distance medal had me all choked up inside.  I believed I could, so I did.  Knowing you can do something and being so close to the finish line that you can taste it are two completely different things.  And being at that finish line never tasted so good!

It wasn’t a PR or under 3 hours, but it’s pretty damn close & I get another chance in 2 weeks.  Fingers crossed for speedy feet!

Hope, Peace & ZUMBA Love,

Jen 🙂

The 13th 13.1 in ’13


This happened a few weeks ago, but better late then never. Ha ha ha

This was me right after I finished the USAF 1/2 marathon. It was my 13th…..conveniently in 2013! I have a special place in my heart for the USAF race. The full marathon is where I set my PR. It’s a beautiful course and it’s always a beautiful day. (even though it was drizzling at the start). This race I was gunning for another PR, for the 1/2; I would have needed to come in under 2:57. My official chip time was 3:04; no PR, but it’s ok. I was 4 whole minutes faster than the last time I ran it, over 2 years ago.

This race was a special one besides the time. I had a few friends who were running their very first distance race. Their enthusiasm was so contagious! Their excitement and wonderment for the sport reignited my passion. A few of my friends are also my ZUMBA students, and once it got close to race time, I make sure we were doing exercises in class to get them ready and keep them loose for the race. I was flattered that they trusted me to help them prepare and used my ZUMBA class as part of their training schedule. I have the best students on the planet!!

All of my friends ended up finishing the race and doing very well! Everyone has recovered and no major injuries. And the runner’s high was quite enjoyable for all parties. I think the part I liked the best was that each of them is now a “marathoner” and whether they run another one or not, they all finished this one and no one will ever be able to take that title or that finisher’s medal away from them. I’m so proud of all of them!!! Congrats ladies!!!!!! 😀

This is the air craft of the year and the finishers medal. The USAF picks one plane for each race and this was the 2013…..the Hercules! Because after finishing the race, we all felt like superheroes!

And after that race, I had never felt better. I could have turned around and run the 2nd half. Sooooo, while still high on the runners high, I did something I do not advise others to do……I signed up for another race, that’s a month later. Yup, I am running the Columbus FULL marathon tomorrow morning. I haven’t done a full in over 2 years and I’m a little nervous, ok, more than a little. The last time I ran this race I woke up with a migraine at 4:30 am and puked my guts out and don’t know how, but finished it anyways….with my worst time ever, but I made it to the finish line and I wasn’t the last person. So with all the courage I have within me, I’ll be up and attem early tomorrow to face my fears and hopefully have a great race! Guess if it doesn’t scare you, what’s the point.

Hope, Peace & ZUMBA Love,
Jen 🙂

Sickened…to the core


“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”
– Muhammad Ali

finish line

I am beyond saddened by what happened today in Boston.   There aren’t really words…I’m am in shock….(so this will be a short one).

This is what a race should look like….

Start line

People lined up, the elites ready to go….. adrenaline pumping.  And that pending sense of self curiosity……not doubting yourself that you will or won’t finish (You know you will), but will I be as good or better as I was last time?  That’s why I race.  To prove it to myself that I am as strong as I know I am.  That I am capable of more…that I am tough as nails……and for me, it’s a lot about the medal at the end.  🙂  Yes, I like jewelry.

So when I was notified this afternoon that something terrible had happened at Boston today…it was like a punch in the stomach!  WHY?  I seriously sat in shock for a good couple of minutes while my brain processed.  I walked over to check the tv, just to confirm.  Not that I don’t trust the news and it’s source 110%….I just had to visualize it for myself to make it real.

This is not what a marathon is supposed to look like…

Boston Finish Line

Who in their right mind sets up explosions at a marathon finish line?  I mean seriously?  I’m so angry and sad at the same time.  I feel for those who lost their lives and the injured…and everyone who was present for this awful event.  Marathons and marathoners should not have to be concerned with their safety or terrorism or some crazy-ass psycho at the finish line.  They should only be concerned about getting to the finish line in an upright position, or can they make it to the next port-o-john without slowing down, or when is the next water stop, or is this massive blister I feel on my right foot going to hold for the whole race or (god forbid) is that a toe nail I feel about ready to rip off completely…..and will I finish in a faster time than the last marathon.   Those should be the only concerns of a marathoner.

Again, there aren’t words.  And I can’t even begin to understand or explain why someone would want to mess with a marathon, especially an elite one, such as Boston.  In the absence of my own words, I’ll quote a wise man, “Because some people are assholes”.

I hope everyone who was present at today’s marathon in Boston can find peace of mind & stillness in their hearts.  And, please, for the love of God, do not let this be the end of your racing career!  Be tougher & stronger in will than the coward who did the unthinkable today.

Hope, Peace & ZUMBA Love,

Jen 🙂

p.s.  Yes, I will still be running the UASF Marathon (well, only the 1/2 this year).

Get your own life, this one’s mine…..


…..and stuff it where the sun don’t shine.

I am so sorry I’ve been out of pocket for awhile.  I love you all and love writing but I refuse to post negative and harmful thoughts or put that kind of energy out there.  So, now that the calm and peacefulness of my normal self has returned, I have returned to a lot of things that I was asked/persuaded to cut out of my life in the last year.  I am returning to marathons, adding more ZUMBA (r) classes and back to writing!  I LOVE ALL OF THE ABOVE!  With a PASSION!  😉


I put this picture (borrowed from a friend blogger) in here because I have never felt the trueness of this statement before in my life, until now.  When it rains, it pours and that’s OK with me.  The harder the rain, the stronger the cleansing.  And, I welcome it.

I have registered for the USAF 1/2 Marathon and the Columbus Full Marathon…..nervous as heck!  The only redeeming thought I have is that I have until the fall to get ready.  I’ve got plenty of time.  But, they mean something different to me now.  Since I hadn’t really understood what marathoning really meant to me until I wasn’t able to do it.  It’s part of me to the core, it’s part of who I am, and I will never again sacrifice part of myself for anything or anyone.  And, I wouldn’t expect anyone else to do that either!  No one should have to ever give up what makes them happy, especially if its a healthy activity like marathoning or ZUMBA.  And, even more so if you know it brings joy into your life.  If you have to compromise that for anything or anyone, well…Houston, we have a problem.  Either you need to recognize that you may not be where you need to be or you don’t value yourself enough to keep the joyful things in your life and taking the time to do things that keep you happy and healthy.  No one knows you best, and no one can take better care of you than you.

I have never shied away from the hard things, and I really love a good challenge.  Not because I like punishing myself or enduring the pain, but the feeling you get when you are on the other side of the chaos/crisis, knowing you walked through the fires of hell with your head held high…..not sure there is anything that can beat that feeling.  Being able to lay your head down at night knowing you put your all into it and you didn’t compromise your character to get to the finish line, priceless.

I wish you nothing but strength to live your life in such a way that you look back & have no regrets.  Hold on to that which brings you joy and keep moving forward.

Hope, Peace & ZUMBA Love,

Jen 🙂