Tag Archives: Marathon

Run Like a GIRL! (1/2 Marathon 2014)

Run Like a GIRL!  (1/2 Marathon 2014)

Let me first start off by saying, I don’t run.  I am a race-walker.  Yes, it’s an actual form/technique…..yes it is an Olympic sport.  Yes, it is hard….yes it’s better for my arthritic hips.  Yes, I am faster than some runners…faster than a lot of joggers.  But I’m not bragging, I’m telling you this so you believe me when I say, it’s not just walking…..it’s race walking.  😀

It was a women’s only run….first time I had done one of those.  And, it was, of coarse, the coldest morning we’ve had in a long time.  Small race, I’d say 2K or less participants.  Always makes me nervous, I like to hang out right behind the packs…..I’m obviously not an elite athlete, but I need to make sure I stay close enough to a pack that is moving fast enough that I can “chase” them the entire race.

Not only was it the coldest morning we had in a long time, it decided to start raining about mile 3, just a little bit.  The mile 5…here comes the hail!  Holy crap!!  That shit hurt!  Mile 7-9 it rained again…and mile 11-13, we were back in the city & it was so windy I had to turn around at some point to catch my breath!  Did I mention we were all on the bike trail from most of the race, running up & down, round bends, narrow paths…..gotta’ say, not the most enjoyable experience I’ve had.  Although, the man at the finish line, in a tuxedo who handed me a bottle of wine, well that was a very nice touch!

photo 2photo 1

However….I will excuse & forgive mother nature for all her nastiness.  Why you ask?  Because THIS WAS THE RACE!!!  This was the one!!!  This was finally the race where I was able to cross the finish line for a half marathon in UNDER 3 hours!!!  YUP!  I set a new PR & I FINALLY was able to achieve a sub-3-hour 1/2 marathon finisher’s time.  It only took 8 years and a ton of miles and 17 other 1/2 marathons to achieve it, but it’s finally done! 😀  I’m over the moon excited!!

Run Like a Girl

I talk and write a lot about personal achievement & reaching goals.  I understand how important they are, a lot of people do.  But nothing comes close to feeling that warmth inside of actually making it “there”, to that place you’ve envisioned in your head for s0 long.  I remember finally fitting into my “goal weight dress”.  I cried.  This I didn’t.  This was a labor of 8 years…there had been plenty of tears along the way.  This one….well….yeah, I walked a lot taller this week.  (When I could walk normal, was very sore from all the hills & being in the cold, never really warmed up correctly!)  I cherish this race….it was nothing special; a shitty weather day, where I achieved an amazing life goal!

I have the Columbus full in 2 weeks.  I am gunning for a PR here too!  I would need to finish in 6:24:59 to make it a true PR…..they have a finish line gong you get to ring if you set a PR there.  Damn it…..I want to ring the gong!  I will ring that gong!  Victory will be mine!!!

Go, go get ’em……find your goal & DO NOT STOP!  Ever!

Hope, Peace & ZUMBA Love,

Jen 🙂

Little Miami 1/2 Marathon


This was one of the most boring races I have run…..ever.  It was small (which I normally don’t do) and on a path, even though it was a bike path (which I’m not a huge fan of), and in the middle of August in Ohio & it was humid beyond belief (what the hell was I thinking????)……HOWEVER……I set a Personal Record that morning!

Runners Plus

I very rarely sign up for a race that is a true “runner’s” race.  Not because I don’t love the sport of it.  I get a trill out of watching elite athletes “go for it”!  But I am aware as a race walker, no matter how fast I have gotten, I cannot keep up with the runners.  I pass the joggers and those who have not trained well.  I can keep up with many people, but when there are less and 1,000 people on the track and 95% of them are under a 10 min/mile pace…..it’s devastating to the ego to be passed constantly.  And, while I do not agree with their thinking, they believe that a “race walker” should not compete with them.  Well…..I do compete with them and will continue to do so.  (They can suck it up and kiss my arse!)

It was a very boring race.  But, that was the best part of it!  Do not get me wrong, I love the city road races.  I love the cheering crowds!  I love the change in scenery and the thrill of the “race” and catching those who are my “speed” and passing them.  This race, there was NONE of that!  It was an out & back course, literally circled a city block, hopped onto the bike path & went for 7 miles, turned around & headed back.  Blah!  There were no mile timers, there were no crowds.  The water stations did not cheer us on.  There were 2 police officers blocking traffic for us, that was it!  Mentally and visually boring.  Do not mistake me, the view of the river and the trees was very pretty….for the first 3-5 miles.  After that, it lulled you mentally to sleep.  It was more mentally challenging to keep yourself moving than physically demanding to keep your feet on pace.  Not that going 13.1 miles was “easy” by any means….the air was so thick I thought I was choking!  What all of these random “dislikes” about this race added up to were mental toughness and fortitude.  I had no one to “chase” or “catch”.  I had no mile timers to make sure I was on pace.  I did have a few people chasing me.  With the lack of any type of visual cues from my surroundings (the entire course looked exactly the same), I went at a pace that felt right to my body.  Which was the fastest I had ever gone for a 1/2 marathon before.  I beat my own time by 2+ minutes in May.  Doesn’t sound like a whole lot.  But it was oppressive humidity, it was stupid early and I hadn’t done any training miles since my last 1/2 marathon in May.  So, I’ll take this win!  Thank you very much!

After I had realized I set a PR, I thought about it for a few days & before I wrote this.  Was it because I wasn’t looking at my surroundings, or watching people?  Was it because there wasn’t any timers to look at every few miles?  In fact, the mile markers were so small that I missed a few of them.  This race was purely training miles for me, I went into this race knowing I wouldn’t have trained much or at all since my Indy Mini.  I was pushing myself to go as fast as I felt I could when I felt like I had it in me.  Had I been holding back in the past?  Have the mile timers been mentally blocking me from going faster than I could have been?  Has my brain been holding my feet back?  If I hadn’t have known how fast I “should” be going, would I have been going faster all along?  Or was it because this was my 15th 1/2 marathon?  Has my body taken over my brain & circumvented the system?  HA HA HA


I have 2 more 1/2 marathons before my marathon in October.  The next race is a big one, the one after is another 1/2 to get some miles in before the full in October.  Yeah, I am nervous.  I am pushing for a PR in Columbus in October.  Why?  Because I haven’t set a PR in a full since 2007.  My next 2 1/2 marathons I will also be pushing for a PR and a sub 3 hour race.  This Little Miami 1/2 Marathon was finished in 3:01:55.  I took 2+ minutes off the 1/2 in May, I think I can lose another 1:55 within the next 2 months.  Why not?  I mean honestly, why not?  I think I had more in me last weekend, I think I could have pushed a little harder…….what do I really have to lose?  Nothing!  I will finish, I will get my medal……why not walk away with another PR?  Only I can hold me back and the only person I am trying to beat is myself.  So I’ll go for it!  😀

Hope, Peace & ZUMBA Love,

Jen 🙂

car decalI saw this in the parking lot of the hotel the night before the race……I thought it was funny.  🙂  Was unaware we were to keep track on our vehicles.  I got this person beat by a few……this past was my 15th 1/2, not that I’m competing with anyone by me onesy; I’m sure this person is a wicked fast runner.  To everyone else, just keep running……you’ll get there! 😀

The 13th 13.1 in ’13


This happened a few weeks ago, but better late then never. Ha ha ha

This was me right after I finished the USAF 1/2 marathon. It was my 13th…..conveniently in 2013! I have a special place in my heart for the USAF race. The full marathon is where I set my PR. It’s a beautiful course and it’s always a beautiful day. (even though it was drizzling at the start). This race I was gunning for another PR, for the 1/2; I would have needed to come in under 2:57. My official chip time was 3:04; no PR, but it’s ok. I was 4 whole minutes faster than the last time I ran it, over 2 years ago.

This race was a special one besides the time. I had a few friends who were running their very first distance race. Their enthusiasm was so contagious! Their excitement and wonderment for the sport reignited my passion. A few of my friends are also my ZUMBA students, and once it got close to race time, I make sure we were doing exercises in class to get them ready and keep them loose for the race. I was flattered that they trusted me to help them prepare and used my ZUMBA class as part of their training schedule. I have the best students on the planet!!

All of my friends ended up finishing the race and doing very well! Everyone has recovered and no major injuries. And the runner’s high was quite enjoyable for all parties. I think the part I liked the best was that each of them is now a “marathoner” and whether they run another one or not, they all finished this one and no one will ever be able to take that title or that finisher’s medal away from them. I’m so proud of all of them!!! Congrats ladies!!!!!! 😀

This is the air craft of the year and the finishers medal. The USAF picks one plane for each race and this was the 2013…..the Hercules! Because after finishing the race, we all felt like superheroes!

And after that race, I had never felt better. I could have turned around and run the 2nd half. Sooooo, while still high on the runners high, I did something I do not advise others to do……I signed up for another race, that’s a month later. Yup, I am running the Columbus FULL marathon tomorrow morning. I haven’t done a full in over 2 years and I’m a little nervous, ok, more than a little. The last time I ran this race I woke up with a migraine at 4:30 am and puked my guts out and don’t know how, but finished it anyways….with my worst time ever, but I made it to the finish line and I wasn’t the last person. So with all the courage I have within me, I’ll be up and attem early tomorrow to face my fears and hopefully have a great race! Guess if it doesn’t scare you, what’s the point.

Hope, Peace & ZUMBA Love,
Jen 🙂

One Fund – Boston


To the City of Boston, the Marathon Runners and every bystander:

“At any given moment, you have the power to say this is NOT how the story is going to end!”

It has been a month and I am still overwhelmed by the sadness and loss of innocence lost on that April afternoon in Boston.  There is no need to relive the details of that day, the capture of one and death of the other one of those wicked people who planned that attack.

What is worth discussing is the power of the human character, the strength that is inside a marathoner……actually inside everyone.  I do honestly believe that we are all capable of greatness, especially in the face of adversity.  But, I have found that marathoners are exceptionally skilled at finding the fire within and making that small flame burn brighter than the sun.  Not sure if it’s a personality defect that makes marathoners keep going, even after most people would have quit 10 miles ago.  Does it really matter?  That spirit to keep going is what defines us as a community.  We are a weird group; we get up at un-godly hours; we face the cold, the wind and the rain; we pay lots of money for t-shirts….and we love every minute of it!  While all of that may be weird, it is healthy and fun and innocent.  And someone tried to ruin that for us and our community.  To be honest, I don’t care what the reason was or the impact it was supposed to make.  What angered me the most was how it made me question whether or not I should run my next race.  It took me about half a second to make that decision: YES I WILL!

I refuse to let someone take that from me.  And, I believe most marathoners feel the same way.  No, you cannot stop us, you will not dull our sparkle, not for one single minute!  My marathon-ing will not end with Boston.  And, yours shouldn’t either.  Fear is never a reason to make a decision, especially when it comes to racing.

While I was not part of the Boston Marathon, I only aspire to be that well of a runner, I do feel for those who were affected by that day.  And being all the way out in Ohio, I feel very disconnect physically from the center of action.  So, I did what any fellow racer would do, I ran in the solidarity run that following Monday and dragged as many friends and family as I could to run with me.  It was so overwhelming to be at a local high school track, surrounded my all levels of racers.  We were all there for one thing, to show love and support for Boston, the best way we know how.  We all just ran together.  It was beyond inspiring!

Boston Run Mon 4-22-13

Boston Run 4-22-13

I  also teach ZUMBA® Fitness, my classes have many runners in them, so we all wore our racing shirts that week and donated money for the One Fund.  https://secure.onefundboston.org/page/contribute/default

Here we are…..showing our love and support for those affected, fellow runners and members of the racing community.

Wed ZUMBA Class

Tues ZUMBA Class

“May your path be the sound of your feet upon the ground.  Carry on, Carry on!”

And keep your head held high!  Do not be afraid!  They can never stop us!

Hope, Peace & ZUMBA Love,

Jen 🙂

Sickened…to the core


“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”
– Muhammad Ali

finish line

I am beyond saddened by what happened today in Boston.   There aren’t really words…I’m am in shock….(so this will be a short one).

This is what a race should look like….

Start line

People lined up, the elites ready to go….. adrenaline pumping.  And that pending sense of self curiosity……not doubting yourself that you will or won’t finish (You know you will), but will I be as good or better as I was last time?  That’s why I race.  To prove it to myself that I am as strong as I know I am.  That I am capable of more…that I am tough as nails……and for me, it’s a lot about the medal at the end.  🙂  Yes, I like jewelry.

So when I was notified this afternoon that something terrible had happened at Boston today…it was like a punch in the stomach!  WHY?  I seriously sat in shock for a good couple of minutes while my brain processed.  I walked over to check the tv, just to confirm.  Not that I don’t trust the news and it’s source 110%….I just had to visualize it for myself to make it real.

This is not what a marathon is supposed to look like…

Boston Finish Line

Who in their right mind sets up explosions at a marathon finish line?  I mean seriously?  I’m so angry and sad at the same time.  I feel for those who lost their lives and the injured…and everyone who was present for this awful event.  Marathons and marathoners should not have to be concerned with their safety or terrorism or some crazy-ass psycho at the finish line.  They should only be concerned about getting to the finish line in an upright position, or can they make it to the next port-o-john without slowing down, or when is the next water stop, or is this massive blister I feel on my right foot going to hold for the whole race or (god forbid) is that a toe nail I feel about ready to rip off completely…..and will I finish in a faster time than the last marathon.   Those should be the only concerns of a marathoner.

Again, there aren’t words.  And I can’t even begin to understand or explain why someone would want to mess with a marathon, especially an elite one, such as Boston.  In the absence of my own words, I’ll quote a wise man, “Because some people are assholes”.

I hope everyone who was present at today’s marathon in Boston can find peace of mind & stillness in their hearts.  And, please, for the love of God, do not let this be the end of your racing career!  Be tougher & stronger in will than the coward who did the unthinkable today.

Hope, Peace & ZUMBA Love,

Jen 🙂

p.s.  Yes, I will still be running the UASF Marathon (well, only the 1/2 this year).